A dental clinic in Fuengirola, Malaga, in the south of Spain.

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Malaga, Costa del Sol

Benalmadena Torremolinos Malaga

On internet it is difficult to know where the reader is, so we take the global aspects first and then the details. We are located in the centre of Fuengirola a town on Costa del Sol, Spain. Other nearby locations is the city of Malaga, the cost towns Torremolinos, Benalmadena, Mijas and Marbella. On the map you can see where in Spain we are located.

Torremolinos Benalmadena Malaga

The “Tres Coronas” building.

If you come in a wheelchair, it´s generally simpler to enter through the main gate of the Building “Tres Coronas”, located at Avenida Clemente Diaz Ruiz. From there, you won´t find any narrow passages or other obstacles. The picture shows how the entrance to the building looks like.

How to find us:

Clķnica Dental Noruega, is located on the ground floor of the building “Tres Coronas”, in the centre of Fuengirola.

The easiest way to explain our location is taking the Train station as a reference point. If you are walking away from the station, you will see a roundabout with a fountain with an obelisk in the middle. Diagonally across the roundabout you will find "Mercacentro", (The Local Market, brick colour), and on the left side of this is the building you will see a big white building named "Tres Coronas". Passing through the main entrance of "Tres Coronas", you will see us on the right side of the ground floor.

Jessica Aguirre mijas spania espańa spain spanien

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